Sign up to my newsletter below to receive 20 scalable high resolution jpg image files, in pink and blue, at 300dpi ( required printing standard).
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Affirmation Print
We all need a positive reminder of who we are from time to time and this lovely printable helps to encourage and inspire your little one to understand how totally great they are. This printable is really useful to help children develop a positive mindset and mental health awareness.

Feelings Print
This printable has been designed to help little ones understand and manage their feelings. These cute illustrations showing a wide range of emotions, encourage healthy discussion about how they are feeling to reinforce the message that all feelings are valid.

All the Deets
Over 20 standard printing sizes ~ included as 20 scaleable high resolution JPEG files.
After the sign up process, check your inbox and you will receive an email that will include a link to your download.
File A1 prints: 5"x7", A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, 50x70cm.
File 16_20 prints: 4"x5", 8"x10", 16"x20", 40x50cm.
File 18_24 prints: 6"x8", 9"x12", 12"x16", 18"x24".
File 24_36 prints: 4"x6", 6"x9", 8"x12", 10"x15", 12"x18", 16"x24", 20"x30", 24"x36", 60x90cm.
File 11_14 prints: 11"x14"